What are Malpractices Disputes?
Malpractice disputes usually arise with professionals who provide professional services, especially those who are licensed by specific bodies such as doctors, engineers, engineering consultants, engineering design consultants, accounting consultants, auditors, lawyers, legal consultants, and safety consultants. Malpractice disputes are not necessarily because of the failure to achieve the promised result, but rather as a result neglecting to do the required research and showing the due diligence in accordance with the practices of each profession.
In such cases, malpractice disputes and controversies arise. Therefore, professional practice mechanisms shall be examined in accordance with the international or local regulations and in accordance with those approved by the licensing authorities, if any.
EuroMEA Legal Services, team of medical malpractice lawyer works in a highly professional manner about medical malpractices disputes and through our team of medical malpractice defense lawyer our law firm represent both doctors and patients, and you can find more information regarding this matter in “Medical Malpractices Disputes” section as we offer representation services before the licensing authorities and courts.
Therefore, appropriate defenses must be carefully considered by a best medical malpractice defense lawyer before being submitted, not only from a legal point view, but there must also be a focus on the professional practices for each activity to ensure the strength of defense submitted on the behalf of the perpetrator or the claim made by him/her, since professional malpractices may be the cause of criminal convection, innocence or may increase the penalty if they were combined with negligence as they constitute a serious breach.
Our team at EuroMEA Legal Services, is always eager to represent you during your claim or defense in cases of malpractices before licensing authorities, courts, prosecutors, and advisory committees professionally and confidently depending on our extensive knowledge and experience to ensure achieving the result that is desired by our valuable client.
One of the doctrinal principles known in a simplified language is the warning “Stating that the breaching party is liable for default.” This means that you clarify to the breaching party that he has breached the obligations and conditions of the contract. Thus, you reserve the right to claim compensation and refrain yourself from implementing any obligations in the event of failure to address the breach within the appropriate time.
The accumulation of warnings sent to the developer without an action taken, in addition to all of the above, allow you to claim a bigger compensation as well as not considering your silence as a waiver of your rights against the developer. Therefore, your refrain from committing to your obligations becomes valid without having to compensate the developer for this.